
Gainesville commission moves forward on affordable housing, road redesign plans

Gainesville church again celebrates mothers at luncheon on Saturday

Voleer Thomas

Over 200 mothers and daughters attended the 25th Compassionate Outreach Ministriesֱ Mothers and Daughters Luncheon.

Dressed in white and yellow, those attending sat at tables decorated with bouquets of sunflowers Saturday at the Best Western Gateway Hotel in northwest Gainesville.

Senior Pastor Margaret Dennison said although she is glad the luncheon celebrated its 25th anniversary, she is mourning the loss of her mother Doris Carr-Collins who passed away in January.

ֱMy mother is with the Lord,ֱ Dennison said. ֱI have sorrow in my heart because my mother is gone.ֱ

She said she appreciated the members of the church coming together to display a wonderful representation of love for the luncheon.

ֱThis has been one of the greatest years for the luncheon,ֱ Dennison said.

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Deborah Harden presided over the event and talked about how special a mother is.

Over 200 mothers and daughters attended the 25th Compassionate Outreach Ministriesֱ Mothers and Daughters Luncheon.
(Credit: Photo provided by Voleer Thomas)

ֱGod is so wonderful because he hand-picked your mother for you,ֱ Harden said. ֱYour mother is the closest thing to God. They have unconditional love. Praise him for his hand-picked choice. Weֱre just a part of his plan and I give him praise.ֱ

Senior Pastor Margaret Dennison accepts a bouquet of flowers from her granddaughter Jada Dennison during the 25th Compassionate Outreach Ministries' Mothers and Daughters Luncheon on Saturday at the Best Western Gateway Grand Hotel in Gainesville.
(Credit: Photo provided by Voleer Thomas)

Harden thanked God for Dennison and prayed for her strength and the success of the church.

Guest speaker Janice Dillard of Revival Faith Center Ministries in Fort Lauderdale speaks about virtuous women during the 25th Compassionate Outreach Ministries' Mothers and Daughters Luncheon on Saturday in Gainesville.
(Credit: Photo provided by Voleer Thomas)

ֱWe thank you for the leaders of this house and the hand-picked mother of this house,ֱ Harden said. ֱGive her strength like you never did before.ֱ

Seleaveya Dillard, daughter of Janice Dillard, talks about the power of testimony during the 25th Compassionate Outreach Ministries' Mothers and Daughters Luncheon on Saturday in Gainesville.
(Credit: Photos provided by Voleer Thomas)

Lois Johnson gave the welcome during the luncheon and it was followed by a dance performance from Tiffanie Stallion and Myla Davis.

Renowned Evangelist Lorraine ֱPunchֱ Baldwin sang a song dedicated to mothers titled, ֱThereֱs No One Quite Like You.ֱ

Elder Karen Woods gave a plaque presentation to the Dennison family to commemorate the legacy of the late Doris Carr-Collins.

ֱWeֱre here to celebrate the legacy of godly mothers,ֱ Woods said. ֱA godly mother helps the child discover Godֱs will, purpose and path in life and to discover talents to bless others and glorify God.ֱ

Woods said the example of a godly mother is one who teaches children how to pray, live, work and worship and to develop a life-long love for God and others.

ֱThank you for serving us royally,ֱ Woods said as she handed the plaque to Dennison. ֱWe honor her [Doris Carr-Collins] legacy and the children and family she left behind.ֱ

Dennisonֱs granddaughter, Jada Dennison, and goddaughter, Danielle Jenkins, recited poems to express their love for the senior pastor.

They gave Dennison a bouquet of flowers and a glass plaque of Doris Carr-Collins.

The guest speakers of the event were Apostle Janice Dillard and her daughter Seleaveya Dillard of Revival Faith Center Ministries in Fort Lauderdale.ֱ

ֱItֱs a blessing to be remembered when youֱre gone,ֱ said Janice Dillard. ֱMany are not here with us who were there when we started. We are here by Godֱs grace.ֱ

She said she has been in the ministry for 43 years and recited the Bible verse for this yearֱs theme, ֱThe Virtuous Women.ֱ

Dillard read Proverbs 31:10, ֱWho can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.ֱ

ֱIt takes a virtuous woman to raise children and be an example for them to follow,ֱ she said. ֱChildren are our heritage and a blessing of God. God chose your mother and your father because he knows what he wants to do with it.ֱ

Dillard said that being a virtuous woman is a choice.

ֱYou have an intuition,ֱ she said. ֱDonֱt be a gossiper or a trouble maker. Be a peacemaker. Virtuous women seek to have wisdom and understanding. A virtuous woman is loving, kind and forgiving and does not harbor things. If there was no hurt, there will be no healing. Stop running around trying to fight your own battles. Let God fight the battle and watch how you come out of it.ֱ

Her daughter said that it is important to share your testimony.

She talked about her marital hardships similar to her motherֱs and how she suffered a stroke twice and overcame them.

She said when she suffered a stroke, she turned mute and her right arm pulled up.

ֱI refuse to stay in a relationship that does not value me,ֱ she said. ֱThis is the year Iֱm reaping a harvest. I promised if he gave me back my voice, I would not be silent.ֱ

She said that people must share what they've been through to help others.

ֱYou canֱt be too holy to share your testimony,ֱ she said. ֱGod told me to go after those who are silently crying and silently abused and pray over them.ֱ